Sunday, October 16, 2005

exams over, but i dun feel optimistic.

hihi... bloging finally... i kee saying i wanna blog but always don't. well.. i'm thinking of a new, more artistic blogskin now, but my father wun lend me his 8 megapix camera... it needs to be very clear, as the picture must have minor details..

come petition... should i make a _______

1) soccer blogskin
2) linkin park "a place for my head" blogskin with the music
3) jay chou's "AN JING" theme blogskin with the music??

can type in my tagbox or can tel me through msn.. i think this wil be my future career.. haha basically designing.. i dunno what genre yet..

soo exams are over.. and i can finally waste time on the net and play as much as i want.. but with this crappy com which can't even play a single game, how can i realise that wish? so easy either go to a friend's house to play or LAN.. but its like a waste of money and imposing on others.. not nice.

and then there's church where lesser and lesser people attend our youth worship... its disheartening... i'm pissed...

and again my father doesn't want to repair the com, soo soo pissed...

need new shoes but parents wun sponser.. and its NEED... haizz....

whatever it is, now i'm making do... but i hope to at least work towards some of these dreams... soso sad..
and as for the exams.. i screwed up almost every exam... esp. maths and art... english and science were so much to handle that i almost didn't complete them...

ART WAS THE WORST.. i dunno why i think it must be the poster colours... so hard to blend and control... thick and sticky.. not meant for paper lor... next time i'll get water colours..

well listening to coldplay... and the rain really dampents spirits... my whole family is sleeping.. i'm the onli one doing anything now.. maybe i'll sleep too.

just wanna really wish you guys can help me make some decision on what blogskin to make first, so i wun be bored. THANKS..

signing off,

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with thanks to mark ho.

Posted by keithc at 1:48 AM